Dear Sweet Sami,
It's your birthday today! What an incredible event to celebrate! The very day that you were brought into this world! The very beginning of God's wonderful plans for your life started this very day fourteen years ago! WOW!
I would be remiss to fail to recognize the courageous and loving woman who gifted the world by giving you life. The same woman who has blessed us with her selfless love for you. For, without her, I would be unable to celebrate you and call you son.
Sweet boy, it has been my joy and great honor to be your mom these past 2+ years….3 years, really, if you count the day I met you and knew that I knew your were our son! {reflective sigh of peace inserted here}
I had no idea what a blessing God had in store for us by bringing you into our lives! You continue to bless me and amaze me. Every. Single. Day.
Your smile continues to light up my life. Your tender heart makes me grateful for every moment spent with you. Your positive attitude makes me a better person daily. Your energy fills me with admiration. Your love for God overflows from your heart to my life ~ and I am daily blessed. Your responsibility for your age amazes me. Your love of laughter and fun brings both joy and a smile to my heart. Your academic and athletic prowess never cease to amaze me. And your divine humbleness glorifies God.
You are an incredible boy, sweet son, and are becoming an awesome young man.
May you continue down this promising, exciting and divine path of life. May you always recognize God's blessings with each and every step. May you forever remember that your true value lies within the very root of who you are. Who God created you to be. Your talents, good looks and great skills are prevalent and wonderful, and we are SO very proud of you! But we love you beyond such things.
May you always know that amidst these blessings, gifts and talents, we love you to your core. We love the very soul God gave you. We love the child you are and the young man you are becoming. Regardless of your successes.
We love you because you are you. Because you are our son.
May God continue to use me and dad to encourage, teach and guide you along your way. May you feel our hands holding yours ~ always. Both physically and figuratively. May our efforts to intermittently "let go" as you grow, gift you the confidence and independence that accompanies physical, spiritual and emotional growth. But regardless the stage in life, may you forever feel our presence. Our love. Our belief in you. Our encouragement and prayers.
That, my son, will go on without ceasing.
May you always know our deep and unconditional love for you, sweet Sami.
SO THRILLED to celebrate YOU today!

It's your birthday today! What an incredible event to celebrate! The very day that you were brought into this world! The very beginning of God's wonderful plans for your life started this very day fourteen years ago! WOW!
I would be remiss to fail to recognize the courageous and loving woman who gifted the world by giving you life. The same woman who has blessed us with her selfless love for you. For, without her, I would be unable to celebrate you and call you son.
Sweet boy, it has been my joy and great honor to be your mom these past 2+ years….3 years, really, if you count the day I met you and knew that I knew your were our son! {reflective sigh of peace inserted here}
I had no idea what a blessing God had in store for us by bringing you into our lives! You continue to bless me and amaze me. Every. Single. Day.
Your smile continues to light up my life. Your tender heart makes me grateful for every moment spent with you. Your positive attitude makes me a better person daily. Your energy fills me with admiration. Your love for God overflows from your heart to my life ~ and I am daily blessed. Your responsibility for your age amazes me. Your love of laughter and fun brings both joy and a smile to my heart. Your academic and athletic prowess never cease to amaze me. And your divine humbleness glorifies God.
You are an incredible boy, sweet son, and are becoming an awesome young man.
May you continue down this promising, exciting and divine path of life. May you always recognize God's blessings with each and every step. May you forever remember that your true value lies within the very root of who you are. Who God created you to be. Your talents, good looks and great skills are prevalent and wonderful, and we are SO very proud of you! But we love you beyond such things.
May you always know that amidst these blessings, gifts and talents, we love you to your core. We love the very soul God gave you. We love the child you are and the young man you are becoming. Regardless of your successes.
We love you because you are you. Because you are our son.
May God continue to use me and dad to encourage, teach and guide you along your way. May you feel our hands holding yours ~ always. Both physically and figuratively. May our efforts to intermittently "let go" as you grow, gift you the confidence and independence that accompanies physical, spiritual and emotional growth. But regardless the stage in life, may you forever feel our presence. Our love. Our belief in you. Our encouragement and prayers.
That, my son, will go on without ceasing.
May you always know our deep and unconditional love for you, sweet Sami.
SO THRILLED to celebrate YOU today!
SO THANKFUL to call you my son!

Hi Debb! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer my quick question I have about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
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