Thursday, June 20, 2013

Starting Summer off in Wisconsin!

We have been home from our vacation in Wisconsin with my family, and I think it is safe to say we have found our new norm.  Our Summer norm!  Both Kaleab and I Love having Sami home all day!

Sami has a break from Soccer, though he is excited to have made the Premier U13 team for Boise Nationals!  Yay, Sami!  Proud of you son!  And he is excited to be taking swimming lessons for the next few weeks.

Kaleab started Pee Wee soccer this week, and to be honest, I think it kind of freaked him out at first.  He was very unsure of this big group of 2-4 year olds, and wasn't sure what his role should be in the fun, finding himself wanting to be in my arms the majority of the time.  However, by the end of the 30 minute class he was high-fiving the coach, kicking the soccer ball into the net and allowing himself to roam freely away from my leg!  He adjusted pretty quickly, I think!

I can't resist posting some pics of our fabulous start to Summer vacation with my family in Wisconsin!  The big event that brought us home was my brother, Duke's, wedding!  {Saving those pics for another post}

Ready for Take-Off!
Kaleab was SOOO EXCITED to "fly on airplane!"

 Landing!  Ready to see Grandpa and Gma Doreen!

Kaleab was EXSTATIC when he saw the pilots while leaving the plane in Minneapolis.  Not sure if it was his frantic wave or his excited, LOUD and REPEATED, "Hi Pilots!  Hi Pilots!"......but the nice pilots invited him to sit in their chair and "drive" the plane!  He was on Cloud NINE!

Sami got to join Uncle Duke for some 4-wheeler fun while toolin' around in the woods putting up deer stands and looking for Merrell mushrooms!.....
 Running with Uncle Duke's dog, Gunnar

FUN with Grandma Faithie (my mom) at  Shenanigans.....a game center for kids of all ages!
 Yeah, Little Fella coulda played on the motorcycle the entire day!

Sami's first time ever climbing!
He was the only one to make it to the top that day!

Testing his courage on the Ropes Course!

Sami LOVED the riding mowers at Grandpa's and The Legion!
He wanted to mow every day!

(turn off music @ bottom of blog to hear this cute quick clip)
He talked of riding Grandpa's mower daily before the trip!

Another day with Grandma Faithie at The Children's Museum!  Such fun we had with you mom!  Each time together was a precious treat!  Oh the times we could have if we lived closer! 
Another climbing wall at Children's Museum

 Being a Fireman at The Children's Museum

Sweet Sami at Rehearsal Dinner

Got to spend mom's bday with her!

Confession....this is who I woke to in my bed
each morning.....until Daddy arrived!
{piece of heaven}

THANK YOU, Grandpa and Grandma Doreen, for hosting us during our time home!  The time flew by and we were coming and going, but we thoroughly enjoyed our time with you both!  It was perfect!  Only thing better would be to do it more often!  Miss you!
Grandpa and Gma Doreen

 Gpa and Sami were two peas in a pod
with their fun and teasing personalities!

Kisses for Grandpa!


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