Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our Boys Have a Family this Orphan Sunday!

Today is Orphan Sunday.  

I SOOO wish our boys were HOME, but even though they are not home YET, I am PRAISING God that today, THIS orphan Sunday, they BOTH have a family!  

Feeling SO BLESSED to be the family that God chose for BOTH amazing and precious boys!!!!

Orphan Sunday is a day when, nationally, we all are asked to step back and recognize just how many orphans there are (140 million!).....consider the needs of these orphans.....and then take it one step further....

.....and ask what WE can do about it!!!

PRAYING that God moves the hearts of MANY today and throughout November (Orphan Month), as He places desire to live out James 1:27 in the hearts of His believers.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.    (James 1:27)

You may be called to adopt, OR maybe you are called to to support a family who is.  You may be called to go on a mission to reach out to orphans, OR you may be called to financially support someone else who is.  You may be called to provide foster care, OR you may feel lead to support someone else who is already doing so.

HOW we love on the orphan may look different for each person, and is up to God to lead us.  Whether we move on God's divine prompting, is really up to us!!!!


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