YUPPER! We have now been on the wait list for our little one(s) for three months! (remember DTE means Dossier To Ethiopia, thus, DTE)
What does this mean? Weeeellll.....our agency told us that we should anticipate receiving our referral after 4 to 6 months of being on the wait list!
That means that we could hear who are little babe(s) are in ONE more month, God-willing! OR we could be halfway through our 6 month wait!
Either way it is GREAT to be another month into the waiting! Every single day counts toward bringing our children HOME!
We THANK ALL of you traveling alongside us on our journey, and we cannot even BEGIN to thank you enough for your prayers! PRAYER DOES WORK!!! And we want you to know how very blessed we are by the prayers you send up to God on our behalf and on behalf of our babe(s)!
Remember how I said we were going to get ready for parenthood by making a conscious effort to do "Date Night" each celebration of another month being DTE!?!? Well, it has been a rather chilly, typical Fall Day today. It even poured rain this morning. So, in lieu of that, we desire to just hunker down for the evening, get into our comfy clothes, eat a little homemade taco soup, and greet our tricker treaters! We are usually out for the evening and miss our neighborhood kiddos in their cute outfits.....not this year! Our date is to rest (we need to recover from our vacation!), relax, and enjoy the cute costumes!
YAY!! Another month done!! Hope ya'll get that referral call very soon! :)
And this is your last halloween to relax! Next year you'll be taking your little one trick or treating!
I think our chances are getting closer for us to travel together! Whoooo hoooo!
Love ya!
Yay! I'm praying you get your "on deck" really, really soon and a referral shortly after!!!! Yay for 3 months!
Hey, Yeah Abby!! We will GLADLY be out there with our little one(s) trick or treating! Can't wait! :)
Oh, Angela! YES! I keep hoping and praying that we can travel together to our kiddos! :)
THANKS!, Alison and Shannon, for sharing in our excitement! SOOO hoping we get THE CALL sooner than later! Still a ways away....but you never know.....{grinning}
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