We want to maximize the spare time we currently have (compared to the lack of spare time in parenthood), by sharing "Date Nights" before it becomes harder to fit into our schedules.
Don't get me wrong, Jeff and I have tons of FUN together already. Sometimes it is on our own spontaneous dates, sometimes it is with friends, and sometimes it is a planned date. Oftentimes, we do things without making a conscious effort to have a you-and-me "Date Night." That is okay for now, as such dates happen naturally for us as DINKS (Double Income No Kids). However, we have watched friends struggle to keep up "Date Night" once they became parents. We want to get in the practice of PLANNING "Date Night" now, so it will be more natural for us to schedule it in when the kiddo(s) arrive.
We believe "Date Night" is SO important in every marriage, and it becomes even more important in a marriage with children. We want to make it happen when we are Mommy and Daddy, so we are going to make a concerted effort to make this become a habit for us now ~ before entering into our new roles! This way, we are thinking, it will be more likely to continue when our babe(s) come home! (Sounds good in theory, doesn't it?!?)
So, as you likely guessed from the included photo, our ONE MONTH DTE DATE NIGHT was going to a DAVE MATTHEWS concert! WOW! Did we ever start off right! Dave ROCKED IT!!!
We're a little tired today, but Dave was totally worth it! (Besides, I hear these late nights we have been pulling are good training for when we become parents!)
I know we have more than one date a month, honey, but I look forward to our special monthly celebrations of being DTE! These dates give me something to look forward to and will help us endure the wait! God willing, maybe we wont have too many months of waiting......Guess we better get good at planning "Date Nights" quickly, just in case! Ha!
I look forward to every single day with you, babe! Just waking next to you, greeting you and the day with a kiss, is a prized special event! I can't wait for you to be a Daddy. You are going to be such an amazing one! I'm so glad that we can enjoy our time together as we wait. I love you, honey!
How fun!!!
Date nights are a must! Good for you guys!
i think this is wonderful idea - and to get into the habit of it before kids!? Brilliant! My folks have been married about 37 years and they still go on a date EVERY WEEK! All us sisters know not to call them on a Friday because they won't be there! i love that you and your husband will be like that as well. I think its so important.
Also, LOVING that you're on the unofficial list!! i hope you climb to the top quickly!
What a good idea! By the way--I love your little Lilipie buttons tracking both the beginning of the journey, and the time after being DTE.
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