The Cat Walk. I anticipated this as being the most challenging event for me. Walking on a log 40-50 feet in the air. I was actually taken aback when I felt just how intense the fear was once I climbed onto that log! My level of fear surprised me! I spoke out words of fear and doubt, and I'm sure my face showed my fear as well!
I looked across the log to Nancy, my partner, and heard her saying how scared she was to let go of the tree and start walking......but all I SAW on her face was that joy and peace that she always exudes! Even afraid, I could only see her sweetness and peace!
In that fleeting moment, I realized how deeply I desire to carry such Godly peace within me ~ regardless of what fear or troublesome trial I may be facing. I want to continue to know God so richly that I know in my "knower" He has me covered. That all is well. That I have no reason to carry any fear or doubt. Not because of my circumstance, but because of WHO is carrying me in the circumstance!
{sigh of relief....as I sink into the arms of my Heavenly Father}
God has been leading me toward such peace, especially on this journey to parenthood. Though my face may still reflect my fear at times, I am thankful that He continues to show up and remind me of His steadfast love. And as He does, more and more peace overrides my fear ~ in my heart, my mind ~ as well as in my face. Thank you, God!
After this fleeting divine exchange about peace, I started my "cat walk" on the log, toward Nancy. I found myself focusing on a fixed object across the way (the zip line platform). This too, had great symbolism for me regarding my walk with God ~ though I did not process it until my feet were firmly planted on solid ground. You see, once I kept my eyes focused on a steady object, I was able to walk ~ with more confidence and greater peace.
GOD is who I want to keep my eyes fixed upon in daily life, as well as in the fearful times! Keeping my focus on God's steadfast love and promises, regardless of the circumstance in my life, gives me the confidence I need to take one step at a time. Keeping my eyes fixed on Him, gives me His peace to move forward. Even in the times when I don't know which way to go. Even in the moments when I feel I cannot take just one small step.
All He asks is that I keep looking up ~ to Him. God will provide the way. He is that rope-line that snugs up and gives me security. He is that line that will catch me if I fall.
It is my prayer that one day, this knowledge will chase away all fear and doubt, and such divine peace will exude from me in all circumstances. Even when I am afraid.
Great post!!! There's nothing like a good ropes course and zipline to show you how big God is:)
I needed to read this today. Such a great post!
Hope you are having the best day!
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