Gosh. Where to begin......
I have been asked by many as of late............"Where Do You Get Your Faith?"
I don't have an exact answer. Because I have many answers.
I was raised in church and watched my parents involvement.
Following their divorce, I watched my mom press hard into God during trials of single parenting.
I witnessed God's power in answered prayers. Too many times to count.
We go to an amazing church with amazing pastors, and incredible peeps who create our precious church family. All who love to make the invisible God visible.
Personal Experience. I have seen God work pure wonders in my life. Daily. Big wonders and small wonders. Miracles just the same.
I watched God's faithfulness in times when I could not see Him at work. Moments when He seemed silent or far away. I witnessed His agape love throughout our struggles with infertility as well as in His creation of our family with our precious boys. And, I felt Him literally carry me through our failed adoption in the Fall.
Because I have seen His work, experienced His faithfulness, and tasted His unconditional love.............I can believe in Him now. I can trust that He is working things together for our good ~ because we believe in Him. I can stand firm in this belief because of who He is and who He has shown Himself to be. Even when life doesn't make sense.
Remembering how beautifully God healed {and grew} my mama heart, with each and every obstacle encountered on our path to parenthood, I can press into Him with confidence. Knowing that He will walk me through this healing as well. Knowing that, though He may seem silent, He is ever-present. And His plan is always for our good.
David didn't have confidence to battle Goliath because of his past experiences as a soldier. He had never been a soldier. Instead, his confidence came from being a shepherd and witnessing God's power when He helped him save his flock from both a lion and a bear. David witnessed God's power and faithfulness personally, thus, little David stood tall in his confidence in God.
And that is what I am trying to do.
I am human, and this strength to hold on to Him is divine. It isn't me. In my weakness I want to curl up in a ball and hide. But when I keep my eyes on Him, I am assured. The peace I feel about all of this doesn't come from within me. It doesn't come from my desires. It comes from God. It is a gift from above. As long as I keep my eyes on Him.
It is also important to note another important source of my faith.................that comes form all of you!
"It takes a village" they say. And boy is that true!
I am overwhelmed in a very BLESSED way by all of the empathy, love, encouragement, belief and prayers so many of you have showered upon me, since sharing the news of the detour in our adoption of Baby Sis.
Just as I start to swim in my sorrow, fear and doubt (which I know is not of God!), someone reaches out to me! Beautiful flowers. Heartfelt cards, texts, FB comments, and emails. Precious phone calls. Shared stories of similar situations that resulted in God's GOODNESS!!!!! So many of you have uplifted me/us already!
The timing is always so perfect! As if God is making sure I do not let my sorrow-filled thoughts pull me into a pity party ~ or worse, fear and doubt. Each one of you are part of God's army to battle with and for us! THANK YOU for joining in this fight!! No attempt of the enemy will ever thwart God's plan because GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! ALWAYS!!!!
And we know that we know Baby Sis is His plan for us. We may not know how, where or when, but we know who holds the controls of this roller coaster ride!
And so, we THANK YOU for standing strong with us, for riding out this crazy ride called adoption with us. For believing Him with us. For holding our hands through this adventure, even when the path gets rocky.
You have no idea how wonderfully you encourage me to ride this out. To push through this rocky patch of our mountain climb to Sis. I couldn't pick better people to journey with!

I have been asked by many as of late............"Where Do You Get Your Faith?"
I don't have an exact answer. Because I have many answers.
I was raised in church and watched my parents involvement.
Following their divorce, I watched my mom press hard into God during trials of single parenting.
I witnessed God's power in answered prayers. Too many times to count.
We go to an amazing church with amazing pastors, and incredible peeps who create our precious church family. All who love to make the invisible God visible.
Personal Experience. I have seen God work pure wonders in my life. Daily. Big wonders and small wonders. Miracles just the same.
I watched God's faithfulness in times when I could not see Him at work. Moments when He seemed silent or far away. I witnessed His agape love throughout our struggles with infertility as well as in His creation of our family with our precious boys. And, I felt Him literally carry me through our failed adoption in the Fall.
Because I have seen His work, experienced His faithfulness, and tasted His unconditional love.............I can believe in Him now. I can trust that He is working things together for our good ~ because we believe in Him. I can stand firm in this belief because of who He is and who He has shown Himself to be. Even when life doesn't make sense.
Remembering how beautifully God healed {and grew} my mama heart, with each and every obstacle encountered on our path to parenthood, I can press into Him with confidence. Knowing that He will walk me through this healing as well. Knowing that, though He may seem silent, He is ever-present. And His plan is always for our good.
David didn't have confidence to battle Goliath because of his past experiences as a soldier. He had never been a soldier. Instead, his confidence came from being a shepherd and witnessing God's power when He helped him save his flock from both a lion and a bear. David witnessed God's power and faithfulness personally, thus, little David stood tall in his confidence in God.
And that is what I am trying to do.
I am human, and this strength to hold on to Him is divine. It isn't me. In my weakness I want to curl up in a ball and hide. But when I keep my eyes on Him, I am assured. The peace I feel about all of this doesn't come from within me. It doesn't come from my desires. It comes from God. It is a gift from above. As long as I keep my eyes on Him.
It is also important to note another important source of my faith.................that comes form all of you!
"It takes a village" they say. And boy is that true!
I am overwhelmed in a very BLESSED way by all of the empathy, love, encouragement, belief and prayers so many of you have showered upon me, since sharing the news of the detour in our adoption of Baby Sis.
Just as I start to swim in my sorrow, fear and doubt (which I know is not of God!), someone reaches out to me! Beautiful flowers. Heartfelt cards, texts, FB comments, and emails. Precious phone calls. Shared stories of similar situations that resulted in God's GOODNESS!!!!! So many of you have uplifted me/us already!
The timing is always so perfect! As if God is making sure I do not let my sorrow-filled thoughts pull me into a pity party ~ or worse, fear and doubt. Each one of you are part of God's army to battle with and for us! THANK YOU for joining in this fight!! No attempt of the enemy will ever thwart God's plan because GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! ALWAYS!!!!
And we know that we know Baby Sis is His plan for us. We may not know how, where or when, but we know who holds the controls of this roller coaster ride!
And so, we THANK YOU for standing strong with us, for riding out this crazy ride called adoption with us. For believing Him with us. For holding our hands through this adventure, even when the path gets rocky.
You have no idea how wonderfully you encourage me to ride this out. To push through this rocky patch of our mountain climb to Sis. I couldn't pick better people to journey with!

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