Wednesday, August 28, 2013


WHERE did the Summer go???

I am SO HAPPY for Sami to be going to such a good school, but I cannot shake this twinge of selfish sadness that my sweet Sami will no longer be hanging with us all day!  Fall is so busy with school and soccer, I cherish the Summer days of having him HOME!!!

We went to school Monday (day before school) to meet his teacher, etc.  He was so excited to learn that he got the teacher he was hoping to get!  I confess to being overjoyed for him as well.  Not because I know the teachers, but because that squeal of excitement melted my heart!  He was also pleased to find out that his buddies had the same teacher!  

I am happy to report that I did not come home bawling after dropping him off at school yesterday (like I did last year....our first year of school), as I could see my son's confidence and excitement about returning to school.  May he always have that love and passion for learning!  I also felt my own peace about his kind teacher and classroom filled with friends instead of strangers this year.  Reflecting upon how awesome last year went, I could not help but Thank and Praise God for what was last year, and what is to come this year.

First day of school last year SO tugged on my mama heart as my sweet boy nervously ventured into his new school with all new kiddos and teachers and an all-new school system!  He tried to be so BRAVE!  I am sure I felt what most parents feel when dropping of their kindergartener, as Sami was my "kindergarten" experience in that last year was his first year in American school!  My sweet friend, Caycee, knew what I was going through, prayed with me and pulled me through the day!  (I still remember that, Caycee!  You are the best!)   

OH how I prayed and PRAYED for God to cover my son throughout his first year of school!  Just as I am doing again this year!  

So scary to think of who will enter his life while he is in school.  Today or any day.  Will they be a positive influence?  Or a negative one?  Will they be kind to him?  Or will they be unfair to him?  Will he hear words of edification?  Or words that hurt his heart, demean him and possibly stick with him far into his future?

People can have such a profound impact on our children!  PRAYING that God covers my son with protection where needed and strength to grow from any negative experience He allows Sami to endure.

My sweet boy came home yesterday with a huge grin, talking of how nice his teacher is and how fun it was to see his friends again.  Off to a great start to a fabulous year!  THANK YOU, GOD!!!

Look at this year (L) vs Last year (R)
Crazy!  My how he has grown!

I don't think I am the only one who is going to miss having Sami home with us!  Ka kept asking, "Where is Sami?  Sami, Mama!  Where is he?"

We filled our day with a doctor appointment for Kaleab, followed by some Birthday shopping for Big Brother!  And taking time to "smell the roses" along the way!

Yes, he is showing Mr Trimmer his new sticker that he got from the doctor!
Any and all things mechanical are his best friend!

May God bless each one of our children as they learn and grow in school this year!  And may He bless our littles who still bless our days at home!  And may He continue to bless those parents working outside of the home as well as those kiddos learning and growing at daycare!  He knows and sees all and can care for our children BETTER than we ever could!

Have a great day!
 photo debbiesiggy.png


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