I wondered when it would happen.
When my sweet son would start to learn about the terrible inequalities that occurred in the past of this wonderful nation we call home.
Last week.
That's when it happened.
Sami handed me some homework and started asking questions about one particular hand-out.
The hand-out discussing Rosa Parks.
There it was. Right in my hand. Right in front of my face. With no preparation on my part.
My heart sank. Deeply.
I didn't want to admit that our country that was founded on equality and freedom, once shunned people because of the color of their skin. I was burdened by the thought of my son one day realizing the sad reality that some Americans once viewed people of another race as different from themselves.
But this discrimination is a reality of our history. Unfortunately.
And he needs to know the history of America. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.
And that innocent day last week was the start of his education regarding segregation.
How did I respond?.......
I admitted to him how it saddened my heart that there was a time when people were not treated equally. That some people thought they were superior to others simply based on the color of their skin. {or their gender or income/education for that matter}
I immediately shined the light upon the TRUTH of the bible, in that EVERY ONE OF US is seen as beautiful in God's eyes. I focused on how wonderful it was to have people like Martin Luther King, Jr stand up for what the bible has stated all along.......we are all to walk TOGETHER......loving one another......treating our neighbor as we would desire to be treated ourselves.
It was a great time to share with him the brave acts of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr, and the like, and how their taking a public stand helped make long-standing improvements in this country. Which then lead to the talk of the importance of knowing what you stand for. And WHO you stand for. And I am happy to say that Sami joyfully stands with us in standing firm in our faith in God!
And so, today, a holiday from school, I plan to continue our discussion and further our rejoicing in the wonderful work of MLK Jr. A man who really did have a huge role in making our world a better place!
A great video to share with your kiddos!
hi Deb-
I've been following your blog for awhile now and was recommended to contact you from a fellow adoption momma. I would love to talk to you about adoption- specifically older child adoption. We live in North Idaho (too bad this state takes so long to get across). Email me at ackvbr at aol dot com.
Going to email you NOW! HAPPY and excited to chat with you! :D
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