Saturday, October 29, 2011


As we sleep tonight.....likely in the wee hours of tomorrow morning.....our dear friend, Shannon DeVol and her husband.........will be loving on our sweet son, "S," in our name!!!

They will bring "Big Brother" our care package!

This will be his very FIRST CARE PACKAGE!!!!!

In this package our sweet boy will find a photo book FULL of photos of his family members!  From Jeff, me and the doodles ~ to his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!!!
He has seen a few pictures of me, Jeff and the doggies (which we included in our Dossier) but this photo book will introduce him to his WHOLE FAMILY!!!!

We also included a shirt, some toys, healthy snacks and candy for him.  Oh, how I wish it was US loving on him and gifting him the package! ~ though I am grateful to Shannon for doing it in our place!  She is currently in Ethiopia to MEET her precious baby boy, and before leaving for ET, she was kind enough to offer to love on BOTH of our sons while over there!  THANK YOU, Shannon!

We sent another package over to Baby K as well, and given that the boys are not at the same orphanage, Baby K was given his near the end of the week, and "Big Brother" gets his tomorrow/tonight!!!

As I lay my head on my pillow tonight, I will pray ~ as I do every night ~ for my dear, sweet sons.  But my heart will carry with it an extra beat of JOY knowing that "S" will soon be receiving his first package of LOVE from his Emaye (momma) and Abaye (daddy).

We Love You, Son!!!!


Elle J said...

You always bring me Happy Chills when I read your blog. No matter the topic, you always choose the perfect words. I am so excited for you guys and praying that your family will be together soon. Praying for God's miracles to have you all together for the holidays. =)

Lari said...

I'm excited for you! I have a houseful of boys and it's loud and crazy and wonderful! Can't wait for you to have them both home!

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