Well, where to begin......I am amidst a very special journey right now and I am blessed to share this journey with not only my dear husband, but you, my precious family and friends as well. I believe that life is a constant journey, only meeting our final destination when we come face to face with our Lord. I always say that I desire to be constantly growing and learning or I might as well be dead. I think it is safe to say that God has me on a very precious journey that will allow for both growth and learning, at this time.
As many of you know, Jeff and I have dreamed of becoming parents and starting our family for almost three years now (and have dreamed of it even before, really). God has used our years of strife with infertility to show us that adoption is meant to be part of our Plan "A" in creating our family. It was a beautiful revelation from above, and since then, we have been excited to start this path toward our child. Whether we birth one, two, or zero children, we know that we know that God already has in mind WHO our precious baby is going to be from afar. Can you grasp that?!? God, right now, is arranging for the creation and birth of a little precious life that is meant to be brought into this world so that Jeff and I can have the honor of parenting, loving, and raising this angel. AMAZING!
We are awaiting God's timing in all of this, but are really feeling the tug to MOVE into action! Our goal is to apply to the agencies by the end of this week! SSSHHHH!!!! We are keeping this quiet until we are certain which agencies will be helping us along this (long) exciting process, and until we have begun the 4 to 6 months of paperwork required to even be considered for a referral! If you haven't guessed, given my various pics and buttons on my blog, we are strongly lead to look to Ethiopia for our first child! SO far away from here! Only GOD can bring this child into our arms!
Given that we haven't started the process, I have a feeling this blog will be a mixture of my spiritual growth as well as progress being made toward homecoming of our child. I hear that blogs are a great way to stay in touch, so I look forward to that with each of you!
We love you, we're thankful for you, and we need each and every one of you! THANK YOU for coming alongside us in this ever-precious journey. Who knows......God works in quirky ways sometimes......maybe He will speak to you in some little way as you walk with me through our journey. We are placing our hands into the palm of our Lord's, but it would mean a lot to me to have each of you walking with us too, hand-in-hand. Though I want to RUN to the end of this chapter, instead, I will enjoy skipping and walking with you, as though in a park or alongside a creek. Waiting on God. For His perfect timing. Thanks for coming along...........
Hi Debb & Jeff, Got signed on last night just as a visitor. Evidently
we didn't do something right, but anyway we are on for a month and
can probably make it permanent. Everything you have written is so beautiful and the music so meaningful. Thanks for inviting us. We wish you well on your journey.
Love, Mattie & Stan
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